Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management logo.


We collaborate with other like-minded organizations as part of our engagement and stewardship activities. This may arise through participation in affiliations such as those listed below, or may transpire through ad-hoc initiatives where our involvement is limited to a single collaboration.


CC&L Investment Management is an advocate of good governance
practices globally and is pleased to be a founding member of the
Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG), whose members
manage approximately $6 trillion in combined assets.


In July 2019, CC&L Investment Management became a supporter of the
International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) through our
affiliation with CC&L Financial Group. This membership complements
CC&L Investment Management’s active involvement in the CCGG.

  • 2016


    In 2016, the firm’s first full year as a signatory to the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), CC&L Investment Management signed on to a UN PRI collaborative initiative, the Statement on ESG in Credit Ratings and Analysis, encouraging the credit rating agencies to formally integrate ESG factors into their credit ratings. The intent is to help ensure ESG risks are appropriately addressed in issuer creditworthiness assessments, which will increase investor confidence in the quality and utility of those ratings.

  • 2017


    In 2017, CC&L Investment Management endorsed CCGG’s proposed amendments to the Canada Business Corporations Act as set out in Bill C-25, namely, adding majority voting for directors, annual individual elections of directors and diversity disclosure.

  • 2019


    In 2019, CC&L Investment Management added its name in support of the Investor Statement to Support the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles. This Statement was distributed to a large set of global issuers, starting with the constituents of the MSCI World Index.

  • January 2020


    In January 2020, CC&L Investment Management signed a letter put forward by the PRI and sent to the SEC voicing concern with proposed rule changes related to proxy voting. The proposed changes would make it meaningfully more difficult for shareholders to put forward shareholder proposals and would hinder the independence and timeliness of proxy advisor recommendations, such as those CC&L Investment Management utilizes from Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS).

  • September 2020


    In September 2020, CC&L Investment Management signed on to the Responsible Investment Association’s (RIA) Canadian Investor Statement on Diversity & Inclusion. The Statement acknowledges the existence of systemic racism and its impacts on Black and Indigenous communities and People of Colour in Canada and globally and asks Canadian public companies to endeavour to increase transparency, adopt policies and expand and disclose organizational efforts to address barriers to diversity and inclusion.

  • 2021


    In June 2021, as members of the CCGG, CC&L Investment Management supported a submission sent to the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to the SEC’s request for public input on climate change disclosure. In the letter, the CCGG advocated for increased disclosure, as well as expressed support for both the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) as an appropriate framework and the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation’s (IFRS) initiative to establish an International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) as a global standard for sustainability reporting.

  • 2022


    In January 2022, CC&L Investment Management supported a CCGG submission to the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) in support of the CSA’s proposed approach to align disclosures with the TCFD’s recommendations and encourage harmonization with the ISSB.



Canadian Coalition for Good Governance

CCL is a founding member of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG).

Climate Engagement Canada

In October 2021, CC&L became founding participants in Climate Engagement Canada, a Canadian-led collaborative engagement platform to drive broader, more consistent dialogue between finance and industry on climate risks and opportunities.

International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)

In July 2019, CC&L became supporters of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) through their affiliation with member CC&L Financial Group.

Responsible Investment Association (RIA)

CC&L is a supporter of the Responsible Investment Association (RIA) through its affiliation with member CC&L Financial Group.

The Financial Stability Board Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

In June 2021, CC&L endorsed the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In doing so, CC&L actively encourages investee companies to incorporate the TCFD recommendations in their future disclosures.

United Nations – backed Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI)

In 2015, CC&L became signatories to the UN PRI. As signatories, CC&L has committed to adhering to the six principles and to transparently report on its ESG activities in accordance with the PRI reporting framework.


CC&L Investment Management Ltd.
September 8th, 2022