Press Releases, Articles & Announcements

Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management endorses the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures

July 21, 2021

VANCOUVER, July 21, 2021 – Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management (CC&L Investment Management) is pleased to announce its endorsement of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). As stewards of the assets entrusted to the firm by clients, CC&L Investment Management recognizes its responsibility and leadership role in advocating for capital market integrity. CC&L Investment Management will actively encourage investee companies to incorporate the TCFD recommendations in their future disclosures.   

“CC&L Investment Management is committed to reporting to our clients and other interested parties on our approach as we take steps to adopt these measures into our own business over time,” said Martin Gerber, President & Chief Investment Officer, CC&L Investment Management. “CC&L Investment Management has a robust Responsible Investing (RI) policy that encompasses our overall approach to the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues into our investment processes. Fundamental to our approach is our belief that our portfolios and engagement activities must reflect the reality that the global economy is in the midst of a large-scale transition to lower carbon emissions.”

Through its endorsement of the TCFD, CC&L Investment Management commits to undertaking certain activities and reporting on these activities within the recommended TCFD framework. The four pillars of the TCFD framework include: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets.

CC&L Investment Management believes that the management teams of the companies it invests in have a duty to be transparent in their disclosures, and accountable to all stakeholders. Further, better disclosures will allow CC&L Investment Management’s investment teams to reflect on the risks that are inherent in companies that are slow to transition, as well as uncover opportunities related to earlier adoption of new technologies and innovation.  Finally, CC&L Investment Management believes the firm has a duty to be transparent, and its TCFD report will be available to stakeholders in the near term.

About Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.

Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. (CC&L Investment Management) is one of the largest independent partner-owned investment management firms in Canada with $55.9 billion in assets under management. Founded in 1982, CC&L Investment Management offers a diverse array of investment services including equity, fixed income, balanced and alternative solutions including portable alpha, market neutral and absolute return strategies. CC&L Investment Management is a part of Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group Ltd.


Lori Satov
Portfolio Manager, Client Solutions
Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management
(604) 643-5819
[email protected]

CC&L Investment Management Ltd.
July 21st, 2021